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Not Difficult, This Is The Way To Teach Polite to Children

Children can be good at math or fluent in English, but not necessarily able to be polite. Parents certainly agree that manners as an important thing are taught early on. Naturally, we see a person's attitude first, whether he is polite or not. Only then will see other abilities. Teaching courtesy is a lifelong education whose results may not be immediately apparent, however, teaching manners is one important way of educating children.

Teaching Polite Behavior Begins Early

Actually, children aged 1.5 years, can already understand that other people also have feelings like those he feels. At this age children can begin to be more emphasized about the importance of courtesy. Although at that age, children do not fully understand the meaning of the words he hears, but mothers can begin to teach them by giving examples in everyday life. For example, getting used to say thank you when receiving gifts and help from others. Likewise when he asks for help from others, remind him to say "please." Mother can also get him used to apologizing if he did something wrong. Getting children to say thank you and help is the beginning of teaching their manners. The process of teaching manners then increases with the child's age:
  • 2-year-old child

  • In children aged 2 years, he began to understand the concept of sharing, although not necessarily do it happily. Encourage the child to play two similar toys, then ask him to share one of the toys with his friend.
  • 3-year-old child

  • At this age, children can already eat at the table with spoons and forks, and can wipe their mouths with tissue. Mothers can start teaching etiquette at the dinner table starting with the simplest ways such as not throwing or throwing food, or sitting calmly while eating and drinking.

Other things to be taught about courtesy

In addition to some basic things in courtesy above, school-age children can also be taught other courtesy, such as:
  • Remind children to avoid interrupting people unless there is an urgent matter, that is accompanied by the words, "Sorry."
  • Encourage children not to comment on a person's physical condition, except the good ones. He also needs to be reminded to not always express negative opinions, especially if not asked, because they might hurt their feelings.
  • Children need to ask back how people are asking how they are doing.
  • Remind your child to knock on the door and or say hello before entering the room.
  • Keep reminding him not to ridicule or make others laugh.
  • Invite him not to point, stare, and talk about other people, especially people with certain physical limitations. She can even tell me that there are people who need special ways to communicate such as hearing impaired with sign language. This helps teach children to empathize.
  • When coughing or sneezing, he needs to cover his nose or mouth so as not to transmit the virus to others.
  • At school, he can learn to remember the names of his friends at the playground or at school. This is also a sign to show that he respects his friend.
  • Standing up is a sign of respect. Respect for the flag must be accompanied by a well-built posture. Likewise when the teacher enters the class. Teach children to stand for example when there are guests coming or going to shake hands or say welcome or farewell.
  • Visiting other people's homes is a good opportunity to teach children good manners. Remind him to answer questions politely when asked things like whose name, what age or what to drink.
Don't forget to compliment him, ma'am, if he is being polite. Then don't forget too, to be able to learn good manners, children need to feel comfortable with eating enough to drink and rest. If she is not obedient, Mother needs to find out if she is not hungry, sleepy, or tired. No less important is giving an example of being polite. With the attitude of parents who provide examples consistently with good parenting, the child will grow into a child who is accustomed to being polite and good as part of himself until adulthood.
